Our community is a network of volunteers who desire to assist in humanitarian efforts and work together to bring peace and justice. Wee are represented in 16 countries currently and have over 1800 members.  If you are interested in joining our community please review the information below BEFORE joining the community.  We have a “one-strike” policy which means if you break the rules listed below you will be removed from the community and not be let back in. It is YOUR responsibility to know these so you can be a valuable member of the community.

This commuity is an outreach of The Humanity Project and the Maal Foundation, our registered NGO.  Our primary partner is the LifeBlood Foundation.  No fundraising should be done in our community except through or with the approval of these two organizations.  

PLEASE NOTE: Our community is for those assisting other people, it is NOT the place to ask for assistance or share your story.  When you do this you are actusally slowing down the work and making it more difficult for us to assist you. Do not Spam our community or you will be removed.  If you need assistance please go to our website and register for the assistance that we have available.

Basic Organization of the Community

We have several different types of groups all represented by specific icons and descriptions:

  1. Country Work Groups:  These groups are for people who reside in these specific countries and are work groups.  There should be no idle chatter, no link posting or sharing and no illicit fundraising. When this happens the groups become swamped with spam and the real work cannot be done. If you are visiting a country for an extended period of time TO WORK, you may join an additional country group as long as you remove yourself when you leave the country.  DO NOT JOIN GROUPS YOU DO NOT BELONG IN.
  2. Worldwide Professional Team Groups: These are for PROFESSIONAL people in the fields represented such as Marketing or Finance.  No one should be in these groups unless you are a professional in that field.  Each of these groups should form a leadership team and come up with an intake form to request their services. Services can be rendered to any group or organization within our community.
  3. Local Work Groups in Cairo: We have many groups on the ground such as Hospital Work, Volunteers working in Egypt, Mental Health, etc. No one sould be in these groups unless they are actively working on the ground in that field at that time.
  4. General Chat Group: This is for general chat and sharing social media, etc.  THERE SHOULD STILL BE NO FUNDRAISING LINKS IN HERE.

General Rules of our community:

  1.  No fundraising links are allowed except through The Humanity Project.  This is a zero tolerance policy.  Do not post your fundraising link or you will be removed.
  2. Do not join groups you do not belong in and then spam them.
  3. Treat everyone with respect and do not muck up the chats with arguments and debates.  This is not the place. This is a WORK community…keep the focus on that and that only please.
  4. Do not reinvent the wheel.  We have procedures and teams in place for virtually everything… please get to know the existing players and structure.  For example, all efforts of assistance in Gaza and funding within Gaza go through the LifeBlood Foundation.  If you want to send money to Gaza then donate through us to do so instead of attempting to learn how to do it yourself.  All funding in this community must go through our registered NGO and be tracked and accountible.

I understand these rules and I want to join the community!